The Indlulamithi Barometer is part of the Indlulamithi South Africa Scenarios project, which aims to galvanise national conversations around the question.
What will it take to create a socially cohesive South Africa?
Tracking South Africa’s progress
The Indlulamithi scenarios are not a once-off exercise. Each year, we track how the scenarios are unfolding in real-time.
Using the Social Cohesion Barometer, developed in partnership with Social Surveys Africa, we monitor shifts in South Africa’s future trajectory towards or away from each of the three scenarios.
How the barometer works
The Indlulamithi Barometer uses 53 indicators, compiled from published datasets and organised into three key driving forces, to measure the extent to which the different scenarios are materialising over time. The Barometer was launched in July 2019 and is updated annually to account for recent events and trends.